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WinBasp has a consistent user interface using
standard Windows menus, dialog boxes, toolbars and toolboxes.
Each has its own help which can be called at any time. Thus
learning to use the programs is intuitive for all those with any
experience with other Windows programs. The programs are all new,
with enhanced functions and many additions to those available in
the DOS package.
The new handbook for the Windows version has been completely
revised and is now 'on-line' in Windows Help format so that you
can print as many copies as you wish with all the illustrations.
There is a vast bibliography covering all the subjects in the
package, as well as theoretical introductions for
non-mathematically inclined users in addition to detailed program
descriptions and colored screen pictures.
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- Correspondence Analysis (CA)
- Correspondence & Principal Component Analysis
with up to 14 components. Optional Ter Braak
Detrending. For all data where time is not the
only dimension and having several factors
simultaneously present.
- Color flagging of units with special types or
high inertial types or units, or low quality.
Color marking of phases. Output to plotter or
plot simulator (included) with 16 symbols.
Symmetric/Assymetric plots.
- Full diagnostics in Greenacre (Simca) format.
Weighting of types and units; supplemental
- Seriation
- Presence - absence data: grave goods, or any kind
of closed finds. Abundance data: sherd or flint
or other find counts from pits, strata or ditches
or finds from short-lived sites.
- Vach Diagrams
Examining the ranges of seriation results:
It is possible to examine the effectiveness of
seriation by looking at the positions of the
units in terms of the rank positions of the types
which they contain. An elegant idea due to Werner
Vach enables display of the variation in the
position of the units in either a single result
or in comparison of two seriations containing
many of the same types but different units. We
call this a Vach Diagram display in honour of its
- Clustering
- Shared near neighbour clustering of closed finds
or types for classification and typology with
dendrogram or table output. Clustering of sites
or site features with abundance data for
classification of activity areas or phases of
development with dendrogram output.
- Shared near neighbour geographic clustering of
presence/absence or abundance data for studying
cemetery phase geometry, regional growth of sites
or site features or work areas with map output.
- Mapping
- Geographic clustering with or without color
phases. Types combinations and special types.
Color coded object counts. Geographic seriation
results with or without color phases. Color
display of original raw data. Tesselation,
including Voronoi (Thiessen, Dirichlet) Polygons
and Delaunay Triangles for any size large dataset
Scanned maps can be found here:
- Harris Matrix
- The relative chronology of an archaeological site
may be obtained by analysing its stratification.
The chronological relationships of the site's
layers can be visualised with the help of the
Harris matrix. The programs for Harris Matrix
Analysis offer opportunities to enter and change
the stratigraphic layers and their time
relationships, to check them interactively, to
find inconsistent or contradictory relations and
to lay out the Harris diagram. Any printer
supporting the IBM (OEM) graphic character set
may be used for diagram output. Alternatively,
you may plot the diagram with any plotter
supporting HPGL output or you may use the
shareware Printglw program to print HPGL data on
most printers.
Note on Harris Matrix
A modern Windows program called ArchEd
by C. Hundack, P. Mutzel, I. Pouchkarev and S. Thome for
processing Harris Matrices may be downloaded via the Web
site of the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in
Saarbrücken, Germany. The Winbasp Harris Matrix program
is simply a shell around the old DOS Basp 4.5 version, so
that printing, conversion and integration with seriated
data from Winbasp is possible. If a combination with
seriation data is not required, then ArchEd is
far superior in both the amount of data it can handle and
in the graphical interface provided, and should be used
instead of the Winbasp Harris shell.
- Simulation
- Simulation of abundance or presence/absence data
for Correspondence Analysis, Seriation and
Clustering, with sequential or random naming,
variation in type richness, unit production,
population fluctuation and one or two groups with
shared types within a mixed population. Two
models for geographic simulation corresponding to
horizontal stratigraphy of cemeteries or
settlement patterns.
- Social Status Analysis
- Analysis of grave assemblages by type ranking or
type diversity criteria with or without assigned
- Correspondence Analysis
- Choice of Ter Braak detrended or normal
Correspondence Analysis, with or without
computation of full diagnostics and inertias.
- Choice of colors for graphic display and
identification of inertia and poor quality
- Seriation
- Seriation based on the first component of
Correspondence Analysis with stability sorting of
order Comparison plot of two seriations or with
input data. Multi-swath printout of the incidence
matrix with symbol options, sorted by seriation,
input or alphabetical order or reverse seriation
- Clustering
- Shared near neighbour clustering of
presence/absence data with Jaccard, Dice,
Russel/Rao, Yule, Simple matching similarity
- Shared near neighbour clustering of abundance
data with Euclidian, Average or Chi-Square
similarity coefficients.
- Mixed similarity coefficients for geographic data
with coordinate influence.
- Full and partial dendrograms and cluster type and
unit statistics.
- Simulation
- Simulation of presence/absence or abundance data
with optional coordinates for site or cemetery
- One or two population groups with partially mixed
types with up to 9 population maxima or minima.
- Full control of average type richness and
- Social status analysis
- Using type ranks or type diversity or a mixture
of both, assign social status to graves.
- Data Entry
- Checking, repeated elimination of non-linked
types, graph- theoretic selection of connected
- A built-in report generator with sorting on all
fields with long and short report forms.
- Built-in or external business graphics.
- Import from dBase, Paradox, DOS Basp and a
facility to merge two datasets for data entry by
several users at the same time working on large
- Export to dBase, Paradox, DOS Basp, Simca, Spss,
Bmdp, Systat Ascii delimited, Harvard Graphics
and Triplot.
- Utilities
- Ascii file viewer and printer with full Windows
print option control.
- Plotter emulator for many printers.
- Business graphics package similar to major
commercial software packages.
- Trilinear plotting package with graphic overlays
for frequently needed diagrams.
- Correspondence Analysis or Principal Components Analysis
color display with up to 14 components.
- Mapping results from input data, clustering or seriation
displayed with full color graphics.
- Simple 'business' graphics, bar & pie charts, 2 &
- Output to Hpgl plot file with scaling.
- Output to Windows Bitmap or to Windows Clipboard for
direct incorporation in a word processor file.
- Output in graphic mode to any Windows printer.
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The programs have been tested under Windows 95, Windows 3.1,
Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows NT/2000/XP & Vista and on Server
3.51, 4, 2003 and OS/2/2.1 Win/OS2 and have been installed under
Novell 3.12 on a server, as well as on an OS/2 PC-LAN server.
The package will not be made available for
Macintosh or Unix machines. Although WinBASP is a program for
MS-Windows only, it is possible to run it on a MAC. Please read
David Simpson's test notes.
The full package needs about 6 MB of hard disk space.
Capacity and Speed
All programs use dynamic storage with variable matrix size.
Large numbers of types and features/graves can be entered limited
only by virtual memory.
CA: 19473 features with 279 types and 107680 incidences: Two
components were computed in 305 seconds on a 486/66 machine.
Seriation in roughly half that time. The amount of data which can
be handled is many times that which can be treated in the DOS
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Last update: April 6, 2007